Saturday, May 23, 2009

Origins of Mosaic

Mosaic is an art form used to decorate both the interior and exterior of a house that aspires to depict a unique décor. Its origin can be traced back to several thousand years. The Greek craftsmen were proficient in the creation of mosaic art. The oldest sample of Mosaic that has been found was made in 8th century BC. In earlier days the pebbles were used to make mosaic.

Even with the rudimentary techniques and provisions used thousands of years ago the Greek craftsmen created marvels of art that attract gazes of admiration. They made several types of complex and elaborate designs. In the 4th century, painted green and red pebbles began to be used along with traditional black pebbles. In those days mosaic was primarily used to adorn the pavement and floors. The ancient people liked mosaic for its durability and resistance to damage.

The stones like marble and limestone were preferred for this purpose. Even though the mosaic art form is often associated with Greeks the Egyptians, Assyrians and Persians also made considerable progress in developing mosaic art form. The Romans carried forward the tradition of Mosaic art and they took it to a higher level. They incorporated mosaic in the household of elite and rich people.

Even after the collapse of The Roman Empire, Mosaic art form continued to flourish and with time it made foray into Byzantine, Persian, Christian and Indian architecture. It is quite amazing that this ancient architectural art form has survived the test of time and got acceptance in various parts of the world. As one can assume, the art form imbibed various elements and techniques from those civilizations.

The theme of the mosaic art varied across different civilizations. For instance, the Greeks made use of lots of well-defined and intricate geometric patterns. They also used animal themes in the mosaic art. The Romans used religious as well as domestic theme. They used mosaic mainly on the floors of the buildings and cathedrals.

The Mosaic art evolved further after seeping in to Byzantine civilization in the 5th century AD. Several new features were added to this art by the Byzantinians. They started using glass tesserae. The Byzantinians use mosaic to adorn the ceilings and walls of the buildings. They dealt with themes like monarchy and religion. Over all popular mosaic motifs have been used in home decoration since time immemorial.

This is a tradition that has not changed even today. In fact the magnificence and sheer beauty of the mosaic art form still attracts thousands of people worldwide. Phoenician Arts links this art form with modern world. The modern artists use their expertize with the age old techniques to create pristine works of art. A person can give a new dimension and touch of elegance to his house if he uses mosaic in the interior and exteriors.

The Mosaic marble came in the market in late 1960s. It owes the technique to ancient human civilizations nevertheless. With the advent and growth of modern technology the time used to make mosaic has reduced considerably.

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