Friday, May 29, 2009

Should You Choose Granite Countertops

Granite countertops have a broad appeal. The classic and timeless look of natural stone; the wide array of color choices; and the indestructability of granite continue to appeal to homeowners. These and many other factors no doubt make it appealing to you. Despite granite's many powerful features you may still have some concerns. Let's take these concerns one at a time and see how they hold up against the advantages of granite countertops.

Concern #1: Does Granite Emit Harmful Radiation?
The granite radon scare fueled by media reports is probably on your list. No one wants to bring products into their home that could harm their family. A lot of research has gone into the subject, and scientists seem to agree that the concentration of radon gas (a form of radiation) emitted by granite is not harmful.

The U.S. EPA states that the "granite used in countertops and other aspects of home construction are not typically known to be major contributors of radiation and radon in the average home.” Many objects, organic or man-made, emit small amounts of radiation, including TV sets and concrete blocks. Even some foods like potatoes and bananas emit radiation. Radon gas is also commonly emitted from the soil surrounding our homes, and is especially common in basements through the midwestern and eastern sectors of the United States. If proper ventillation is installed, this shouldn't be a problem. The consensus is clear: granite countertops do not emit enough radiation to cause concern.

Concern #2: Are Granite Countertops Sanitary?
Many fear that because granite is somewhat porous that it hosts harmful bacteria leftover from food preparation or spills. And because you can't use strong cleaners such as ammonia or bleach on granite surfaces, you may worry about what's lurking on your countertop.

Actually, studies have shown that granite countertops may be as sanitary for the kitchen as stainless steel. If sealed properly and kept up according to directions suggested by granite manufacturers, you should have no problems with scary bacteria infecting your granite countertops. Of course, just as with all countertop materials, you'll want to take precautions. For example, keeping raw meats off the countertop will go a long way to prevent bacteria from spreading to your family.

Concern #3: Are Granite Countertops Difficult to Keep Clean?
Granite countertops are not difficult to maintain as long as you stay on top of things. The most challenging part may be keeping up spills. Things like butter and coffee will eventually absorb into the granite if left on the countertop too long. Aside from that, a daily regimen of soap and water will keep things in check. Applying a stone cleaner once a week or so will keep it that much nicer.

Talk to a granite manufacturer to learn more about this wonderful stone. As you can see, granite is not an inherent health risk to your family either because of radiation or bacteria. And it's not difficult to keep clean either. So feel free to take a closer look at this advantageous countertop material.

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